Rules & Regulations

  • Strict regularity, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from every pupil. Pupils must strictly conform to the regulations laid down in this regard.
  • The pupils are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported objectionable conduct out of the school on the part of pupils make them liable for disciplinary action.
  • The wearing of the school uniform is mandatory.Violation of this rule is sufficient reason for the expulsion of a student from the school. No student will be allowed in the school premises without the prescribed uniform.
  • Parents and guardians are, particularly requested to co-operate with the school authorities by sending their children back to the school on the re-opening day unless a written permission for extension of the leave has previously been obtained. Such permission, however, will be granted for very grave reasons only.
  • The school reserves the right to dismiss a student who is regular absent till one month,
  • Gifts to the members of the staff in cash or kind is not allowed except with the permission of the Principal.
  • The date of birth of a student once entered shall not be changed.
  • All pupils must posses a copy of the school diary which is to be brought on all working days.
  • Late-comers and absentees from school will not be admitted to class without the Principal’s permission.
  • Students are liable to be sent home for being late to the school.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal.
  • No leave of absence is granted, excepted on written application from parents.Sending of an application is not sufficient; the sanction of leave must be obtained.

School's Timing

7:45am to 11:30am 7:45am to 10:30am
12:45pm to 04:30pm 12:45am to 03:00pm

Visiting hours: 07:30 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. (On All Working Days)

Fees Structure

  • Every pupil shall pay fees of 12 months.
  • The school fees are to be paid in advance installment wise.
  • The payment of fees through cheques in no circumstance is allowed.
  • The parents shall kindly keep the receipts of fees issued to them and produce them as proof of payment, when needed.
  • The fees must be paid for months during which the pupil's name has been carried on in the register, even if the pupil has been absent during these months.
  • The fees for the term must be paid in full, even if the pupil leaves before the term is over.
  • Tuition may be refused to the students who fail to pay the fees on the last working day of the month for which they are due.
  • No reduction of fee is made on account of mid-summer and winter holidays or other vacations or temporary absence.
  • The children whose school fees fall into arrears over three months are liable to be debarred from writing the terminal tests, until the fees are paid in full along with readmission fees, neither the reports nor transfer certificates will be issued, till all accounts are fully settled.

About Us

Seven Steps Pre School, including all of our schools, is committed to acting on our new vision, mission and values statements. These new statements that emphasize student success and well-being reflect the future-focused and innovative organization that we are today.

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